Journaling and Writing

Why Monkeys Aren't into Writing

A case for journaling and writing ...

Today I heard someone make a statement that made me think. This was it...

"The only difference between monkeys and humans is that humans write and monkeys do not write".

Now before anyone gets bent out of shape, this statement had nothing to do with evolution. The point was that we all should be writing more often. I'm going to associate it with journaling and writing life stories.

He Continued On...

He continued by drawing general comparisons between humans and monkeys. He said "Think about it..."

  • Monkeys socialize ... Humans socialize
  • Monkeys communicate ... Humans communicate
  • We play - They play
  • We work - They work
  • We fight with each other - They fight with each other

He also stated that "As far as I know, no monkey has ever written a book, article or anything else for that matter".

He continued by saying that because we write, we (humans) have the ability to know what went on 2000 years ago. We keep records and preserve them.

We can learn from our mistakes, because of writing.

He joked that many teenagers make so many mistakes because, despite the things that have been written, teenagers don't believe what the "old codgers" have written!

When I first heard this, I was at first in relative disagreement with him, but was curious to hear more.

In the end, I thought his reasoning was pretty good and his point about people needing to be journaling and writing more is one that I totally agree with.

How about you?

Download a 45 day free trial of The Journal. I've personally used this journaling software since 2003. I give it my highest recommendation (Disclosure: I do receive a commission if you decide that you love and want to purchase The Journal. Many people do love The Journal. It does so much.)

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