The Bridge ... Has Been Crossed

by Thomas Wertheim

The past is gone, and the bridge into the future has been crossed and the years of time have turned it into ruins, but the memory of the past is for ever stored in our minds and hearts

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Aug 27, 2012
MY Home in De Aar
by: Thomas Wertheim

Memories of those years,when living in that old home, and will never fade from my mindset,it will be there forever,and the bridge of memories will always be there, for me to cross,and go back to the times, and of those years of my life living in that old home in De Aar

Apr 27, 2010
by: Anonymous

Time and age may have taken its toll,but the good memories of the past remains and can never fade away

Oct 24, 2009
Remembring my Grandmother
by: Anita.

As a young teenager my aging grandmother who raised me seemed so old to me, and I would often worry about her leaving me some day. She did leave me many years later when I was already married and had children of my own. It hurt and I missed her.

I am old in age (don't feel old) now. My children have all married and yet it seems like yesterday when my grandparents were alive and I their pampered granddaughter.

Memories of those times are stored in my mind and heart.

Will my grand-children when I have them, know about mine? I must do something to ensure that they know that, though ordinary their great-grandparents were such extraordinary folks. I must write about them.

Thanks this site inspire me to do what I have so many times thought of doing.

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